Woodward Academy Campus

The largest independent day school in the continental
United States and Atlanta’s oldest college-preparatory school.

the challenge

As one of Atlanta’s oldest college-preparatory schools, Woodward Academy has over 52 buildings and 1 Million+ square feet of education space for its K12 students. The facilities include over 109 acres of campuses, athletic fields, hardscapes, parking lots, and an offsite transportation facility.

Large school complexes present unique challenges to facility assessment teams due to the wide variety of buildings and amenities present. Having an experienced team of education construction advisors is vital in being able to properly assess and forecast maintenance needs.

the zumBrunnen solution

The zumBrunnen team was commissioned to complete a full facilities audit for all the buildings, athletic facilities, and grounds to help them more accurately forecast for the future.

With expertise in education buildings and school campuses, the team was well equipped to identify opportunities for future capital planning. While the overall maintenance was good, the team found many deficiencies requiring attention.
zumBrunnen was able to centralize the building data in the FacilityForecast® Software system. The database brought everything together in one place making it easy to create a detailed budget for each building and forecast replacement and repair needs into the future.

When zumBrunnen ran the comprehensive funding plan for each building, they discovered the school was reserving 2x as much as they needed per year, allowing Woodward to reallocate money for other priorities.

This complex school facilities assessment was completed successfully with the guidance of the teams’ expertise and collaborative approach.

Doug McMillan

Director of Project Management & President
woodward academy Education Construction Advisors

project details

  • Discovered reserve allocations 2x what was needed, allowing for funds to be reallocated
  • 1,068,414+ sqft campuses
  • 52 buildings, two campuses, instructing 2,735+ students

“Our goal is to be more proactive in managing our facilities and this system allows us to better plan for the future. zumBrunnen offered the right level of detail and adjusted their services to match our school’s level of expertise.”

Barbara Egan
Vice President of Finance and Administration - Woodward Academy

School and Education Facilities Need
Education Constructions Advisors to Plan for the Future

  • campus-wide FacilityForecast® study

  • FacilityForecast® software training

  • specialized education buildings & facilities